Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A Summary of An Early Article on Drug Addiction essays

A Summary of An Early Article on Drug Addiction essays The article summarized in this paper entitled, "Drug Addictions, A Public Health Problem," was originally published in 1914, and it was chosen because it provides an interesting contrast to our modern perception of drug addiction. The article first discusses a bill passed to control the distribution of drugs in the authors city and later mentions some of the underlying causes of drug addiction as believed at the time. At the time of the article, drug addiction was increasingly becoming a problem in the United States. As such, the author petitioned for a law in 1912 that would regulate the sale and distribution of illegal substances, in an attempt to wipe the drugs off the street. The crucial part of the bill was that it allowed for certain substances to be prescribed to those with a medical necessity, so as to prevent the excuse that the medically dependent were purchasing the drugs illegally only because there was no legal channel by which to purchase them. An additional purpose of the bill was for the health official to be able to get into contact with the addict himself. Under this provision, any possession of illegal drugs was deemed a misdemeanor unless the person was able to prove that he came into possession of the drug by legal ways (Terry, 1914). Before the bill came to be passed, there was a general meeting with pharmacists and other local officials, in order for them to criticize the bill and make changes that were appropriate. Those pharmacists who refused to comply with the law were prosecuted, as the only legal way of supplying the drugs was to follow the standards of this law. In order to make sure that the law was being followed, the author wrote down the names of all of those people who needed the drugs for medicinal purposes. In total, there were 646 such individuals. Anyone who was found with drugs who was not one of those 646 people would be breaking the law. Those 646 drug users represented about 1% of ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Conjugate the Verb Smettere in Italian

How to Conjugate the Verb Smettere in Italian   Some definitions of â€Å"smettere† include: To stopTo leave offTo ceaseTo give up What to know about smettere: It’s an irregular verb second-conjugation verb, so it does not follow the typical -ere verb ending pattern.It’s a transitive verb, which takes a direct object.The infinito is â€Å"smettere†.The participio passato is â€Å"smesso†.The gerund form is â€Å"smettendo†.The past gerund form is â€Å"avendo smesso†. Indicativo/Indicative   Il presente io smetto noi smettiamo tu smetti voi smettete lui, lei, Lei smette essi, Loro smettono Ad esempio: Vorrei parlarti sul serio, quindi smettila con gli scherzi. - I want to talk to you seriously, so stop with the jokes. Il passato prossimo io ho smesso noi abbiamo smesso tu hai smesso voi avete smesso lui, lei, Lei ha smesso essi, Loro hanno smesso Ad esempio: L’insegnante ci ha sgridato, perà ² non abbiamo smesso di parlare. - The teacher yelled at us, but we didn’t stop talking. L’imperfetto io smettevo noi smettevamo tu smettevi voi smettevate lui, lei, Lei smetteva essi, Loro smettevano Ad esempio: La bambina non smetteva di piangere. Voleva andare al parcogiochi. - The little girl kept on crying. She wanted to go to the playground. Il trapassato prossimo io avevo smesso noi avevamo smesso tu avevi smesso voi avevate smesso lui, lei, Lei aveva smesso essi, Loro avevano smesso Ad esempio: Mi ha detto che aveva smesso di parlarle. - You told me that you had stopped talking to her. Il passato remoto io smisi noi smettemmo tu smettesti voi smetteste lui, lei, Lei smise essi, Loro smisero Ad esempio: In quel periodo smisi di andare a scuola. - In that period, I quit going to school. Il trapassato remoto io ebbi smesso noi avemmo smesso tu avesti smesso voi aveste smesso lui, lei, Lei ebbe smesso essi, Loro ebbero smesso TIP: This tense is rarely used, so don’t worry too much about mastering it. You’ll find it in very sophisticated writing. Il futuro semplice io smetter noi smetteremo tu smetterai voi smetterette lui, lei, Lei smetter essi, Loro smetteranno Ad esempio: Promettimi che smetterai di essere duro con te stesso. - Promise me that you’ll stop being hard on yourself. Il futuro anteriore io avr smesso noi avremo smesso tu avrai smesso voi avrete smesso lui, lei, Lei avr smesso essi, Loro avranno smesso Ad esempio: Avr smesso di lavorare, spero che ne trovi un altro prestissimo. - She must have stopped going to work, I hope she finds another one really soon. Congiuntivo/Subjunctive Il presente che io smetta che noi smettiamo che tu smetta che voi smettiate che lui, lei, Lei smetta che essi, Loro smettano Ad esempio: È tempo che tu smetta di fumare. - It’s time you quit smoking. Il passato io abbia smesso noi abbiamo smesso tu abbia smesso voi abbiate smesso lui, lei, Lei abbia smesso essi, Loro abbiano smesso Ad esempio: Penso che lei abbia smesso di scrivere, perchà © non guadagnava abbastanza soldi. - I think she quit writing because she wasn’t earning enough money. L’imperfetto io smettessi noi smettessimo tu smettessi voi smetteste lui, lei, Lei smettesse essi, Loro smettessero Ad esempio: Volevo che tu smettessi di giocare ai videogiochi e parlassi con me. - I wanted you to stop playing video games and talk to me. Il trapassato prossimo io avessi smesso noi avessimo smesso tu avessi smesso voi aveste smesso lui, lei, Lei avesse smesso essi, Loro avessero smesso Ad esempio: Credevo che avessero smesso, ma il giorno dopo hanno riavviato la loro ditta da zero. - I thought they had given up, but the next day, they restarted their business from the bottom up. Condizionale/Conditional Il presente io smetterei noi smetteremmo tu smetteresti voi smettereste lui, lei, Lei smetterebbe essi, Loro smetterebbero Ad esempio: Smetterei di imparare parole inutili ed invece mi concentrerei sulle frasi importanti. - I would stop learning useless words and I would concentrate instead on important phrases. Il passato io avrei smesso noi avremmo smesso tu avresti smesso voi avreste smesso lui, lei, Lei avrebbe smesso essi, Loro avrebbero smesso Ad esempio: Ci ha detto che avrebbe smesso di vagabondare se un’azienda le avesse offerto un posto di lavoro. - She told us that she would stop wandering if a company would offer her a job.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Writing to Evaluate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Writing to Evaluate - Essay Example The blog makes the life of Apple managers an easy time. The paper discusses the various categories found on 9 to 5 Mac blog. The paper also discusses the blog design as well as writing and the content found in the blog. Additionally, the paper outlines the history of the blog, its readers, creators, and followers. Discussion. History 9 to 5 Mac was established in 2001 when the launch and the announcement of iPhone was made. The launching and announcement was made at Paris apartment (Seth Weintaubs' residence). Weintraub supervising the work of Mac IT development while the wife secured a fellowship to further her studies in France. The blog was established to keep up with developments in technology and bring up a writing career that had gained ground at an IDG publication in Computer world. The team was joined by Mark Gurman when the logo of the blog was still a coffee mug. The blog then became a career in 2011 as soon as Weintraub stopped working with Fortune magazine. He started 9 t o 5Google.com and 9 to 5Toys.com. He continues interacting with additional reporters and editors. 9 to 5Forums.com with assistance from VanillaForums.com was started in 2012. It served as both community of vibrant users and systems of comment. Currently, has over five hundred thousand viewer daily. The other 9 to 5 sites do not have much traffic. According to the author, writing on issues of technology is a greater achievement. Author The author of the blog 9 to 5Mac is called Seth Weintraub. Seth Weintraub is an award winning blogger and journalist. He secured awards in Neal when he covered Apple and Goggle from 2007 to 2010. Developing the blog 9 to 5Mac was his hobby and favorite. In 2011, he decided to take blogging as his full time job. He added his followers to 9 to 5Google.com and 9 to 5Toys.com deals and gear site. Weitraub was an IT director of Global and web developer for various companies. He had experience in branding and multimedia agencies in New York, Madrid, Sydney, and Madrid before becoming a blogger and a publisher Reviews and tags. The reviewers of 9 to 5 review the blog for free. The blog always receive review units for free and comprehensive instructions on usage. The blog run reviews for software and hardware that seem interesting to the audience and worth appealing. The blog "9 to 5 Mac has tagged adobe, client, iPod, Macintosh, rumors, and server. Consequently, the blog tags administration, iwork, open directory, nano, and iphone. Affiliate linking. The blog uses affiliate links if possible. The blog runs software that increase the number of affiliate tags to any external linking as a mechanism to generate revenue. It uses the strategy of supporting the link y buying the products. 9 to 5Toys is news and shopping deals where they aim to post credible and original news on notable drop in price and new update, Delanewa.com, and stack Social. Design. The blog uses the Grunge style on the wall of their website. The blog has employed a bigge r trend in grunge design including the minimalist grunge, where the theme of the blog is minimal. The grunge elements are bigger and are more defines. The blog design is not messy. 9 to 5mac has a design style that has space for individual and creativity expression. Content and Objective. The blog has options for apple, IOS devices, Enterprise, tips, Apps, reviews, 9 to 5 Forums, and products. The blog sells Apple products to Gazelle. Some of the apple products that the blog advertises include iMac, Mac Mini, Mac Pro, Mac Book Air, iPads, iPod, iPhone, and other products such as Airport Base Station, and Apple Thunderbolt Displays. The site quotes the recommendation status and the time product was released. On the Enterprise section the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Implementation Controls and Executive Summary of Massives Marketing Essay

Implementation Controls and Executive Summary of Massives Marketing Plan - Essay Example Political stability, positive economic growth, technological capability, strategic geographical location and business friendly conditions would be the criteria that will govern what country to choose. Japan, which suffices all the criteria, would be the most likely candidate. An alternative would be India due to its booming Information Technology industry and its strategic geographical location in the Asian region. This move would also help in attaining or even surpass the targeted number of partnerships. The company is currently charging a minimum of $30,000 for its software licenses. The company also charges 20% of the license fee for annual software maintenance and $25,000 for its web auditing services. The decrease would result to $1,500 cut for licensing, 10% cut on maintenance and $2,500 for auditing services (Massive Network, 2006). Reducing prices, all the while assuring product and service quality, provides a competitive edge the company can bank on. Although this translates to losses in revenue in the short run, it provides an attractive choice for future clients and assures continued patronage. This reduction will apply to future as well as present transactions. The acquisition of Massive by Microsoft has provided the means to acquire the necessary funds to conduct research and development to widen product and services range ( Wash, Microsoft Acquire Massive

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Voices of freedom Journal Industrialization Essay Example for Free

Voices of freedom Journal Industrialization Essay Industrialization, †the new economy† brought on a wave of new movements and activism in America. Labor movements, women’s rights activists, social, religious, and political reform are among the changes of the Market Society. Industrialization shaped Market Society expansion in many ways. Immigration, Nativism, Westward Expansion, the rise of Nativism,Transcendentalists Movement and The Second Great Awakening all taking place during the 1800-1840 Market Society growth. Market Society refers to farmers, large city growth, factory system, and immigration. Industrialization was the force that shaped Market Society. In the Northwest farming and commercial cities were booming. Westward expansion was due to land being cheap and plentiful which was especially appealing. The belief that freedom laid in the west was because of the availability of land and was ultimately important to economic independence. Here farmers sold livestock and were able to rapidly plow land with aid of the steel plow. While credit and the market was to the east. Cities like Cincinnati and Chicago would grow due to the population growth from immigration and high demand for jobs. Artisan workers were soon replaced by that of the factory worker usually female or immigrants. The very first factory was established in 1790 based on an outwork system. Later large scale factories would be constructed focusing on cotton textiles. Lowell factory is known for their female factory workers. These women adopted the name â€Å"Lowell† girls. Lowell girls were young women of farm families who were offered meager wages for long hours of labor. Ultimately overworked and frustrated workers would expose the grueling conditions of working in the factory. In the words on one Lowell factory worker document 51 in Voices of Freedom, Eric Foner â€Å"Shall they be compelled to listen in silence to those who speak for gain, and are the mere echo of the will of  the corporations? Shall the worthy laborer be silenced by wealth and power, and for fear of being deprived of the means of procuring his daily bread?†. Written is 1845 this worker was upset and speaking out after being over worked, mistreated, and underpaid. This quote is telling not only of her personal feeling about being silenced by power but the mass feelings of injustice to the common worker by corporations at the time. I feel the audience this worker is trying to reach is not only fellow workers to gain backing in resistance of mistreatment but the corporations as well. She is standing up for her own integrity and encouraging others in her situation to the same. She is rightfully casting shame on those corporations for inflicting those conditions. It is during this time that women began to fight for equal rights of opportunity and happiness outside of the home. Immigration caused labor demands to rise fueling the economic expansion. The approximately 4 million immigrants who migrated to America had a variety of motivating factors. Irish Potato Famine, European economic conditions, religion and politics are all some of the reasons immigrants were making the voyage to the America in such large numbers. Most immigrants during this time were German or Irish. Generally Germans came to America more skilled workers and the Irish were unprepared fleeing famine forcing them to fill low-wage laboring jobs. Eventually Nativism would rise in the 1840’s and 50’s. A racially fueled violent backlash in New York City and Philadelphia against immigrants, â€Å"Nativists† feared immigrants were the down fall of America. Nativists blamed immigrants for crimes, corruptions, addictions, and poor wages. ‘Walks among the New york City Poor’, New York Times June 23,1853. Document 52. Voices of Freedom, Eric Foner. â€Å"Healthy, stout frames, and low, degraded faces with many stamps of inferiority†. Here the writer really captures the discriminatory American opinion of immigrants at this time. Nativism labeled these people as inferior and not capable of rising above the status that they arrive with. He is stating that immigrants are seen as inferior to everyone around them and in for a hard time as the reading goes on. I feel like the purpose of the article is to shed light on the high hopes of immigrants and minimal possibility in the new world. This was a very difficult time to be an immigrant. During this time a group of New England intellectuals formed called The Transcendentalists. This group of men believed in the idea of The Free Individual. Ralph Waldo Emerson was a Transcendentalist who believed freedom obtained by the process of self realization transforming ones self according to their own liking. Voices of freedom, Eric Foner document 54. â€Å"The American Scholar 1837,† Ralph Waldo Emerson opens his powerful statement â€Å"In self-trust, all the virtues are comprehended†. Ralph Waldo Emerson addresses the nation and President directly. He is expressing here that self realization is the key success and freedom. This was the fundamental principle of Individualism the the Transcendentalist’s believed in. Henry David Thoreau also a Transcendentalist believed the market revolution worsened individual judgment and freedom was within the individual. The Second Great Awakening was more optimistic than the first and had similar philosophy of the Tra nscendentalists with the addition of a religious twist. The belief in self improvement through determination with the addition of Christianity. Christian denominations such as baptists and methodists began to branch off during this time.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Stirpiculture in the Oneida Community :: essays research papers

Stirpiculture in the Oneida Community   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Humphrey Noyes, a native of Brattleboro, Vermont, rebelled from religion from a young age and after a near death experience became devoted to the goal of being introduced to the ministry. The most influential reasoning to Noyes’ theory was that of Perfectionism, in which believers reached perfection at conversion. Following extensive failure, Noyes finally acquired a following in 1844 in which the thirty-seven members lived communally. Two years later, the prominent ideals began to originate such as â€Å"Complex Marriages† and â€Å"Male Continence.† The Oneida Community’s doctrines had many components, but the basis of the community was centered on the idea of complex marriages. The practice of complex marriages provides the source for many controversial ideas they enacted in addition to what some saw as â€Å"free love.† One such idea was the experiment for the superior race through a monitored procedure known as stirpicu lture. Based upon social Darwinism, the eugenics experiment known as stirpiculture caused unrest in and out of the community.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The stirpiculture experiment, named by John Noyes, began in 1869 as a project to create a race of geniuses. Noyes ideology stemmed from Darwin’s Origin of Species which promoted the â€Å"survival of the fittest† (Carden 61). The selection process was vigorous, including submitting an application to a cabinet of central members who would make the final decision of whether the couple would suffice for the experiment (Whitworth 130). A majority of couples selected their own mates, while a quarter were suggested pairs by the committee (Carden 62). The Oneida founder strived to reach this superior race through the careful selection of healthy, beautiful, and intelligent couples. Noyes and the cabinet’s criterion involved being very spiritually refined, while his son Theodore looked more at the physical condition of the prospective candidates. As early as 1859, women were prescribed to enjoy fresh air, the outdoors and the continual development of mental and spiritual qualities (Kern 263). Women were a necessary part of the eugenics experiment, but Noyes and others thought the choice of the fathers was the key to selective breeding (Kern 232).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The women’s ages ranged from twenty-three to forty-two, the men from twenty five thru sixty; often the fathers were ten or more years older than the female participants (Kern 250). One such woman was the niece and lover of John Noyes, Tirzah Miller, she was the embodiment of the ideal woman of the Oneida community, strong in her convictions and firm in the beliefs of the Perfectionist community (Fogarty 17).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Operational Environment

It is imperative that commanders and leaders possess a thorough understanding of their respective dynamic Operational Environment (OE) in order to efficiently utilize available resources to achieve the desired end state. Understanding the physical environment, the state of governance, technology, local resources and the culture of the local populace is absolutely vital and failure to do so leaves little chance for success. When considering the OE the following factors need to be examined; ideology, religion, race, ethnicity, nationalism and physiological needs. Obtaining the necessary information will only be achieved as a result of a time consuming process that entails speaking with members of the local governance and the local populace of which patience is paramount. Given our current Contemporary Operational Environments (COE) of Iraq and Afghanistan probably the most important factor to understand is religion. It is imperative that commanders have a thorough understanding of the desired end state which is to rebuild the country and not force western culture upon them in the process. Agreeing with their culture or beliefs is inconsequential. Commanders at all levels are obligated to ensure that this end state is clearly stated and understood by everyone at all levels in order to show the local populace that are intentions are clear and that our efforts are sincere. According to FM 3-0 the OE should be analyzed utilizing the following interrelated operational variables; political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical environment and time (PMESII-PT). These variables provide a view of the operational environment that emphasizes its human aspects. It is suggested that whenever possible commanders and staff utilize specialists in each variable in order to improve analysis. The political analysis also addresses the effect of will. Will is the primary intangible factor it motivates participants to sacrifice to persevere against obstacles. The military variable includes the military capabilities of all armed forces within the OE. The economic variable encompasses individual and group behaviors related to producing, distributing and consuming resources. Cultural awareness falls within the social variable and helps identify points of friction within populations, helps build rapport and reduces misunderstandings. Ensuring that the importance of cultural awareness is emphasized at all levels can improve a force’s ability to accomplish its mission and provide insight into individual and group intentions. The information environment is the aggregate of individuals, organizations and systems that collect, process, disseminate or act on information. Commanders use information to shape the operational environment. The infrastructure comprises the basic facilities, services and installations needed for a society to function and it is imperative that commanders understand that degrading the infrastructure will have an affect upon the entire OE. The physical environment includes the geography and man-made structures within the OE. The enemy understands that less complex and open terrain often exposes their military weaknesses. Therefore, they may try to counteract US military advantages by operating in urban or other complex terrain and during adverse weather conditions. In regards to the time variable an enemy with limited military capability usually views protracted conflict as advantageous. They avoid battles and only engage when conditions are overwhelmingly in their favor. Given our COE the enemy is well aware that Americans are impatient and demand a decisive victory without delay and are not willing to wage a long drawn-out conflict that places a heavy financial burden upon the country. Colin S. Gray states that, â€Å"COIN is about the control of people and territory. I submit that it is virtually impossible to gain control in any region without a thorough understanding of the many different facets that the OE is comprised of. Given the fact that we have moved away from fighting â€Å"regular† wars and find our selves submerged in â€Å"irregular† warfare knowledge of the operational environment is essential because the United States is already ill prepared to fight such a war. It has taken us the last 10 years to start to chan ge our training and techniques allowing us to achieve success. The United States was stuck in the â€Å"cold war† era and our training and techniques were antiquated. Even so during the cold war era it was still vital to possess a thorough understanding of the respective operational environment in order to be successful. However, given the fact that we find ourselves in these â€Å"irregular† wars against religious extremists it seems to be exponentially important to know your OE. It seems as though that today’s operational environments are much more elaborate and complex. Today we face a more â€Å"guerilla† style combatant as opposed to having clearly drawn lines on the battle field during the cold war era. Today we find ourselves more in need of intelligence in order to determine who are enemy is and in order to obtain such elusive information it is essential to befriend the local populace which can only be accomplished by becoming educated on the aforementioned vital aspects of the OE itself. Mr. Gray also states that, â€Å"the decisive combat occurs in and about the minds of civilians, not on the battlefield. Protection of the people must be job one. † I believe that it is overtly obvious that in order to determine what is on the minds of the civilians and what their individual concerns are we need to get intimately familiar with them and earn their trust. I submit that this can not be accomplished until a thorough study of the complete operational environment has been completed and the US armed forces possess a firm grasp of what is important to the local populace. We will be ill prepared to protect them if we don’t understand what their concerns and fears are. They have to be willing to place a tremendous amount of trust in our armed forces to provide them with the information of whom they fear and why. I say this because we can’t really protect them until they provide the information but then again once they do they know that they will be targeted for reprisals. This is why I can not over emphasize how important it is to gain substantial knowledge of the local people and their respective culture within these complex environments. I would like to use the following quote from Colin Gray’s Irregular Warfare to bolster my argument, â€Å"If we do not know much about those beliefs and values, we are unlikely to register much progress in persuasion, except by accident. Indeed, by behaving like strangers in a strange land—true aliens—our regular soldiers and officials are as likely to do more harm than good to their mission. † Irregular warfare is complex and thus far has been fought in extremely complex environments. It is a fact that the United States is not well suited or well prepared to engage in such battles. We can not longer rely on our size and strength in order to ensure victory. It is through technology, special operations and vital information obtained from the local people that enable us to achieve any success at all in these complex, hostile operational environments. I submit that obtaining a thorough and complete knowledge of the individual operational environment to include the physical environment, the state of governance, technology, local resources, the culture of the local populace, ideology, religion, race, ethnicity, nationalism and physiological needs is absolutely essential in order to have any chance of success. According to FM 3-0 we should analyze the operational environment utilizing the following variables, political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical environment and time (PMESII-PT). Utilizing this method should yield a fairly complete understanding of the respective operational environment. Remember that according to Colin Gray, Irregular Warfare is about protecting the civilians and gaining their trust. How can we expect to accomplish this task if we behave like strangers in a strange land—true aliens?

Saturday, November 9, 2019


ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT Course EMP-5116 Issues in the Management and Operation of Communication Prepared by Student Number Submitted To KAMRUL KHAN 7025417 Dr. Serban Gheorghe Term Report (FALL 2012) December 13, 2012 The main purpose of using DHCP is to assign unique IP address to the computers in a network. This protocol is widely used by the ISPs to let their customers join the internet with less effort. It is also used by the enterprises to reduce workload and simplify the network management. (1) (2) 1. 1 History of DHCP Before DHCP was developed a protocol named Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) was developed for similar functionality as DHCP. Later in 1993, DHCP was introduced for the first time with the release of RFC 1531 as an extension to the BOOTP. The main reason behind extending BOOTP was that manual intervention was required to add configuration information for each client. Furthermore, BOOTP had no mechanism to reclaim disused IP addresses. Within a short period of time, DHCP became popular among the IT community. In 1997 another update of DHCP was released through RFC 2131. RFC 3315 defined the DHCPv6 specification. RFC 3633 was released with a prefix delegation mechanism for DHCPv6. RFC 3736 mechanism to provide configuration information to clients configured using stateless address auto configuration was added as an extension. (1) 1. A brief overview A database of available IP addresses and configuration information is maintained by the DHCP server. When a client requests the DHCP server for configuration information, the DHCP server checks the subnet in which DHCP client is connected, and then sends back the client with appropriate configuration information. 2 Typically IP addresses distributed to clients are assigned f or limited interval by the server. DHCP clients are responsible for renewing their IP address before that interval has expired. If they are unable to renew it by the expiration interval, they must stop using the address. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported by DHCP. Even if a client does not use DHCP for acquiring IP address, it can still be used to obtain other configuration information. (1) 2 2. 1 DHCP and Its operation DHCP Protocol Overview The major component of DHCP is the DHCP server and clients. Basic task of server is to assign IP address to the clients. The DHCP client makes a request to a DHCP server that may or may reside on different subnet. The server distributes IP address, subnet mask and default gateway to a host. Other configuration parameters such as name servers and netbios configuration can also be included. The IP assignment process is called â€Å"binding† or â€Å"lease†. The word â€Å"lease† is used as the client leases an IP address for a particular amount of time. This implies, after a certain period of time client must relinquish the IP address. The DHCP client side works combining six basic states. These states are: Initializing Selecting Requesting Binding Renewing Rebinding These states will be discussed in details in the next chapters of this paper. (3) 3 2. 2 DHCP Lease As discussed before DHCP lease is the process of associating IP address and client. The address leased by the client expires after certain period of time. Two timers are maintained by the client to manage this expiration process. Which are, 1. Renewing time T1 2. Rebinding Time T2 Renewing time T1 means the client will get a new lease from a server. Rebinding is the extension of lease. Typically renewing time is set to half of the renewing time. (4) 2. 3 DHCP Messages and Client States DHCP has several messages for establishing server to client communications. All DHCP instruction or updates are carried through these messages. The basic messages defined for DHCP are, DHCPDISCOVER, DHCPOFFER, DHCPREQUEST, DHCPACK, DHCPNAK, DHCPDECLINE, DHCPRELEASE, and DHCPINFORM. All these messages are effectively used during different states of DHCP. Purpose and flow of these messages in different DHCP states are discussed in the following sections. (4) 2. 3. 1 INIT The client tries to find a DHCP server by broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER message. It transitions to the SELECTING state. The server sends DHCPOFFER back to the client which is basically the choice of address and other parameters for the client. (5) 2. 3. 2 SELECTING In this state, client waits for DHCPOFFER message from any server. It selects the preferred offer and declares the selection by sending the DHCPREQUEST message. It transitions to the REQUESTING state. (5) 4 2. 3. 3 REQUESTING After sending the DHCPOFFER the client waits for the response from the server. Three different situations can occur. First, the most expected situation that, the server sends the acceptance of the request sent through DHCPACK. The client the starts the T1 and T2 timers and moves to the Bound state. Second, if the previously sent offer is no more available the server ill send a DHCPNAK message to deny the DHCPREQUEST. In this situation the client must return to the INIT state and start from the beginning. Third, server may send acceptance through DHCPACK however, the offer is no more acceptable to the client. Typically, this happens if the client finds the offered address is already been used somewhere else in the network. In this case client sends a DHCPDECLINE message and moves to the INIT state to start over. (4) 2. 3. 4 BOUND If lease assignment is successful the client goes to BOUND state. After timer T1 is expired the client sends a new DHCPREQUEST and moves to RENEWING state. 4) 2. 3. 5 RENEWING In this state client tries to extend of its lease by sending new DHCPREQUEST to the same server it took the lease from. Again three situations may be observed. First, the server may deny the request through DHCPNAK message. The client must return to INIT state and start from beginning in this situation. Second, if client does not get response from server, it will broadcast DHCPREQUEST after T2 is expired and move to the REINDING state. Third, server accepted the new request with the DHCPACK and the lease is extended. The client will again move back to BOUND state in this situation. 4) 5 2. 3. 6 REBINDING As discussed earlier, client moves to REBINDING state if T2 get expired in RENEWING state. Here, if client may get a DHCPACK response from the server if the request is approved. The client will then return to BOUND state extending the lease. Otherwise, the client gets a DHCPNAK response which indicates the refusal of request. In this case the client needs to move to the INIT state to start from beginning. (4) 2. 3. 7 INIT-REBOOT This state is for special case. If a client can find its previous DHCP configuration right after starting up, it moves to special INIT-REBOOT state. It sends a DHCPREQUEST message immediately from where it got the previous lease requesting to use the same old address and moves to the REBOOTING state. (4) 2. 3. 8 REBOOTING In REBOOTING state, client requests the server for allowing the client to continue with the previous address. Here, again two situations may occur. First, server may accept and send DHCPACK. Client will then reset timer T1 and T2 and continue with the previous address. Second, client may get a DHCPNAK message indicating the refusal of the request. Typically this kind of situation occurs when the client is turned off for very long time. The server may assign the address to other client. And as usual the only way left for the client is to go back to the INIT state and start from the beginning. (4) 2. 4 The Finite Client State Machine Finite State Machine (FSM) is a tool or method to describe a protocol. The behavior of a protocol is described by showing all the different states a device can be in, all possible transitions between individual states, events that cause transitions, and the actions that are performed as a response of an event. 6 The FSM can be used to describe the lease life cycle from the perspective of a DHCP client. The client begins its life cycle from the initial INIT state when no lease is acquired. It then travels through different states like, renews, rebinds and/or releases its IP address. The whole process can be described graphically using the FSM method. The below figure describe the FSM of DHCP client. (5) Figure 1: DHCP Client Finite State Machine 7 3 DCHP Server Vendors and Market Overview The ever increasing number of IP devices (Network endpoints, IP telephones, virtual servers, etc. ) is the main emerging factor of IP management and DCHP server market growth. In the past, the network admins had very limited options to pick up a DHCP/DNS solution. Sometimes, they used to write their own codes to manage DHCP/DNS in their network. However, now many vendors have come up with DHCP/DNS solutions. The integrated DNS/DHCP appliancebased offerings are proved to be more attractive to the consumers. (6) 3. 1 Present Market Statistics According to the recent statistics, DHCP solutions along with DNS and IPAM (DDI) have been showing more than 20% consistent growth starting from 2009. In 2011, DDI market had an increment of 36% by generating $290 million. It is estimated that, by the end of 2012, the market will increase to $380 million with an increment of 29%. According to the statistics mentioned above it can clearly be stated that, the DDI market is promising and growing. (7) 3. 2 Market Segments In general, DDI( DNS, DHCP and IPAM) solutions can be categorized in three major segments, bundled offerings, overlay management solutions and managed services. These segments are described in the following sections. (7) 3. 2. 1 Bundled Offerings Bounded offerings are the fastest growing in DDI market. In bundled offerings, the DHCP and DNS services share an integrated database. Although, physical appliance forms are the dominating factor of bundled offerings, software or virtual services are also available. (7) 3. 2. 2 Overlay Management Solutions Overlay management solutions are free DHCP or DNS services. It is easier to deploy as it does not require replacement of DHCP/DNS infrastructure or integration with existing DNS server. It can add management capability to DNS or DHCP and IPAM functionality. (7) 8 3. 2. 3 Managed Services Managed service market is smaller comparing to other segments. According to recent statistics it is around 10% of the total spending of DDI solutions. 7) 3. 3 DDI Vendors Though DDI market is growing, some giant DDI vendors discontinued with their products due to slow revenue and other factors like increasing popularity of appliance based offerings. For example, Nortel used to be one of the market leaders in the field of DDI. However, they decided to discontinue their IP Address Domain Manager from the beginning of 2008. On the ot her hand, Infoblox and BlueCat are getting more popular with their integrated DNS/DHCP appliance based offerings. There are couple of â€Å"free DHCP solutions† available in the market. Among them, the Internet Software Consortium should be mentioned in the first place. Other than that the CMU DHCP server is also very popular (4). However, considering the market scopes and market segments it was found the commercial solutions are more promising. Therefore, in this report only the commercial solutions are briefly described. According to recent market analysis, seven companies were found to be prominent. Their overall rating based on product/service, customer feedback and business strategy is given in the chart below. (7) Figure 2 Market Scope for DDI Source: Gartner, April 2012 9 3. . 1 Alcatel-Lucent Alcatel-Lucent developed their DDI solution VitalQIP back in 1998. It has flexible deployment options with broad overlay solutions. The solution is highly capable with large enterprise network. However, some common features like the DHCP lease history is missing in VitalQIP. This can be considered as major drawback. (7) 3. 3. 2 BlueCat Networks BlueCat is a DDI pure-pla y vendor based on Toronto, Canada. They offer Adion family of integrated DNS and DHCP which can be used as an overlay to manage windows DNS and DHCP. It has strong network discovery and endpoint mapping ability. 7) 3. 3. 3 BT Diamond Diamond IP was released on 2007 by British Telecom. It is a highly scalable product. It is available through software, appliance or for virtual environment (VMWare). Diamond IP is present in all three market segment discussed before: Bundled offerings, overlay and managed services. (7) 3. 3. 4 EfficientIP EfficientIP is another pure-play DDI vendor based on France. They provide solutions as bundled or overlay. The main feature of EfficientIP is its template based architecture functionality which makes it very easy to automate the configuration and management of DNS/DHCP servers. 7) 3. 3. 5 InfoBlox InfoBlox is a California based company founded on 1999. They sell integrated DHCP/DNS solutions and overlay solutions for Microsoft Windows DHCP. Their solutions are available through appliance and virtual VMWare environment. One of the main features of InfoBlox is its grid functionality which makes the operation and management easier. (7) 10 3. 3. 6 Men & Mice Men &Mice is a Iceland based company founded at 1990. They do not sell any integrated DNS/DHCP appliance. They only sell software based overlay solutions for managing DNS/DHCP services from othe r vendors. 7) 3. 3. 7 Nixu Software A Finland based company founded on 1988. The DDI components of Nixu software are only available as software appliance. (7) 4 4. 1 Case Study: TYROLIT Delivers Resilient DNS and DHCP with BlueCat Networks Background TYROLIT is an Austria based company founded in 1919. It is one of the world's largest manufacturers of grinding, cutting, drilling dressing tools and machines for the construction industry. TYROLIT has base in 12 different countries with 4,500 employees at 27 production locations. TYROLIT’ has a

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Love Amplification Through use of Imagry essays

Love Amplification Through use of Imagry essays What is love? Love is a strong bond of friendship between two people. Love is something that can not be seen, only felt, but there are ways to see love. In William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet, love is amplified through the use of imagery. In this play, William Shakespeare uses many types of imagery to show love. He uses garden imagery, light and dark imagery, and ship imagery to show Romeo and Juliets love for each other. The garden imagery used in this play is that of a rose. A rose can portray the meaning of love. This is shown when Juliet first falls in love with Romeo. His personality shines through so much, that his name does not matter. In fact, when Juliet discovers that Romeo is a Montague, she loves him regardless: Whats in a name? That which we call a rose By any other word would smell as sweet, (II,ii.43-44). In this scene, Juliet uses a metaphor to compare Romeos name to a rose. When she says, By any other word would smell as sweet, (II,ii.44), she is saying Romeos name is like a rose. All roses smell beautiful, and Romeo is still beautiful to Juliet. It does not matter what his name is. Romeos name would not change or alter Juliets everlasting love for him. It is this imagery of a rose that helps the audience better understand the love Romeo and Juliet share. They also share their secret under the darkness of night. ` Romeo and Juliet rely on the night to keep their secret. They feel safe with the nights blanket to cover them. When the suns first light begins to creep through the sky, Romeo and Juliet begin to feel insecure about being together. After they spend the night together Romeo says: It was the lark, the herald of the morn; No nightingale. Look, love, what envious streaks Do lace the severing clouds in yonder East, Nights candles are burnt out, and jocund day Stands tiptoe on the misty mountaintops. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

10 Soft Insults in German and What They Mean

10 Soft Insults in German and What They Mean When you come to Germany and walk through the streets you might listen to some slang or curse words in the German language. They are very often used to make fun of certain aspects of someone’s behavior. Here are some of the more interesting ones that you might hear when you are an attentive listener. Warmduscher This is someone who likes to take hot showers.  In Germany, it is an often discussed myth that showering with ice-cold water is considered as masculine.  Well, somehow they had to see the bright side of a life without electricity and put it like that.  Today we just joke and say Warmduscher to people who like it comfortable or might be a little cowardly. Sitzpinkler A man who is peeing sitting on the toilet instead of standing. Real men stand when they mark their territory - and hopefully clean it afterward. Streber This is an interesting one because it describes a striver or nerd.  And as nerd† is cooler than â€Å"Streber†, we started to use â€Å"nerd† too in German when we talk about Streber. If someone is very eager or is behaving like Hermione Granger- you can call him a Streber. Angeber The â€Å"Angeber† is a poser, a show-off.  This is much stronger and you will hear it for sure when you will see an expensive car at a traffic light and the owner is playing with the pedal to impress the people in the street.   Teletubbyzurà ¼ckwinker Remember the Teletubbies? Well, this word describes someone who would wave back to the Teletubbies and this is, unless you are two years old, considered to be really wimpy. Cool grown-ups don’t do this unless they lost a bet. So if you want to use this, do not apply it to yourself and make sure the person you consider as a Teletubbyzurà ¼ckwinkler is far away so he or she would not hear you. Tee-Trinker In Germany, the country of beer drinking, drinking tea while others have a beer is uncool- sorry to the British and other tea drinkers. Of course, you are not supposed to get drunk and become an alcoholic, neither should you feel forced to have a beer- it is just this feeling of having a real â€Å"Feierabend Bier† (after-work beer) that makes drinking tea look like a weird idea for a real German. Schattenparker A word which describes someone who parks his car in the shadow because he can not stand the heat. A real man is supposed to stand any heat. Well, if you believe that- have fun during German summer in the city. Weichei Literally, a soft egg. This is simply a wimp, a coward.  This could be said in any imaginable situation. Verzà ¶gerungsgenießer This word comes from the German-dubbed movie Vanilla Sky. It describes persons who like to enjoy not everything at once but bit by bit. â€Å"Verzà ¶gerung†- means delay. Frauenversteher This is most likely a word a woman wouldnt use as an insult. Most women would probably love to be understood by a man. But men have turned this quality into a non-virtue and a lack of masculinity. Enjoy this little counterexample of a women understander by one of the better-known comedians from some time ago. If those insults above are not manly enough for you, try this Beleidigungsgenerator, which wont beat around the bush. Hopefully, this list gives you a little insight into the mindset of some Germans, which is still surprisingly macho.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Changes in a major business organization Research Paper

Changes in a major business organization - Research Paper Example duct lines, and the changes made by the company in tune with the environment for survival, including the changes that may be required to be implemented in the light of the experience. Copier Business used to be the mainstay of Xerox, and they were market leaders in copiers business. The brand Xerox hold such a sway in the market place, that photocopying is referred to as Xerox or Xeroxing and found its way to dictionaries, verb & noun. Entry of IBM into the copier business and the Japanese products such as Ricoh and Canon into the markets in the beginning of seventies and mid seventies became a threat to its monopoly in the copier market. However, a perceptible shift in the technology, consumer preferences, competition from smaller players, changes in distribution patterns, introduction of low cost printers, fax machines with copying facilities, scanners, etc., coupled with downturn in work stations business and its subsequent closure forced the company into diversification. ‘In 1988 Xerox underwent a $275 million restructuring, cutting 2,000 jobs, shrinking its electronic typewriter output, dropping its medical systems business, and creating a new marketing organization, Integrated Systems Operations, to get new technologies into the marketplace more effectively.’ (International Directory of Company Histories, 1999). It is in this scenario of downtrend, we have to understand the changes that have been taking place in Xerox to face these challenges. In line with the emergence of social media and the new trends in the society, as explained in an interview with Christa Carone, the CMO of Xerox, ‘they encourage every employee to become part of the voice of the company. They developed friendly guidelines that empower employees and encourage them to use social media on behalf of the company.’Â   (Francois, March 3rd, 2010). We will find in this paper that this progressive policy of the company, as in the case of social media, has b een reflected in decision